Success Stories

Results are everything. The purpose of any mentoring program is to help clients succeed beyond what they ever thought possible. My greatest joy is watching my clients succeed.

All of these clients worked very hard, followed my strategies to the letter, invested in themselves, and overcame multiple challenges to succeed. Do not assume under any circumstances that your results will look like theirs. Your business is different, your life is different, and so your results will be different.

Janice Mueller

"I met Richard in 1982 at a real estate conference. His message on keeping balance in one's work and personal life hit me right between the eyes as I was a single mother trying to keep my life together. Over the past 40 years, Richard has helped guide me through the ups and downs of life. I have attended many of his conferences, and employed him to speak at my real estate office to educate us on how to handle whatever comes our way. Richard has a unique ability to immediately see the problem, offer a solution and hold me accountable to follow through. I can't imagine not having Richard in my life as a mentor, coach, and dear friend."

Dixie & Brandon Decker

"Brandon and I started our journey with you while we were dating, I had been divorced and have 2 kiddos, he single and no kids and never been married. To say the least we each brought our own baggage to the playing field and yet had been best friends for 20 plus years. Brandon had one hell of a childhood and young adulthood, I had one hell of a marriage. We were both damaged emotionally. Brandon decided your help was what he needed in order to keep living this life. I agreed to join your one on one mentoring program with him for 3 forward 5 years and we are married and doing amazing things together!  Each month when we meet we don't know what layer of the onion of life we will face with you but we come out refreshed and with more understanding of one another and what life keeps throwing at us, successes and failures! New seasons required new vision. You help guide us through that so we are not losing our minds and emotions. Honestly without our monthly meetings I don't believe we would  have made it to the altar and I am not sure we would even be together, maybe not here at all. Our business has more than 5 times its revenue, during our mentoring, our lives have exponentially expanded in ways we never dreamed, I believe all because we can approach each day clear minded with you in our court to call, Facetime or meet up with. At this point, we consider you family. We also use your name as our Flag to one another to breathe before moving a conversation along, lol! We love our new lives, and keep our old lives for reference only but not to live in, we live from today to tomorrow vs yesterday to today. And anytime we slip, we call and get back on the right path with our emotions and minds. Our children have benefitted from having you as well, by figuring out their own identities in a very busy world at the ages of 12 and 17, we know Mom never knows anything. They have trauma from their bio dad and you have helped them face that as well. I can't thank you for keeping us healthy, challenging us in life to grow and be better versions of who we already were. It's so hard to put in words, how you have impacted us, it is such a personal journey that we had to face before your guidance could help us. We first and foremost had to be willing. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts."

Gary Jernigan

"Over the past few years, I have had the pleasure of working with Richard on improving my life and understanding what it takes to change. The neat thing is he is never going to preach to or judge you. If you are looking for someone to give you the answers, he is not your guy! However, if you truly want to understand where you are in your life and relationships he is your MAN!  Richard has a magical ability to make people be honest with themselves and what needs to happen to achieve CHANGE in their lives."

Jean & Ron Hanham

"Working with Richard as a coach and mentor this past year has been an amazing experience that has exceeded our expectations. Richard has asked us questions, provided perspective, and openly shared his wisdom & knowledge helping us to create more clarity and pure enjoyment in our lives. As we’ve gotten to know Richard, we’ve learned he has great depth as a human being, he is an excellent listener & he genuinely cares about others. Our conversations with Richard are always open, honest & thought provoking. We often identify and talk through stuff that has us feeling stuck or uncertain and we leave these conversations with clear direction and real steps to help move us forward. Our life has changed a lot this year for the good…and we credit much of that to our work with Richard. He is the absolute best at what he does and we are grateful that he is part of our journey."

Mark & Carmen Geelmuyden

"When we started coaching with Richard, we had no idea that it would be the most influential experience in our personal devolvement. He taught us that when we are at a crossroad in our life, we need to make a decision to ask ourselves “will this feed my confusion or strengthen my clarity?”. This has helped tremendously in every aspect of our life by learning to manage our pace with clarity. Slowing down was a big challenge for us.His guidance has helped us use our ability to help ourselves look deep within to find the reasons why our behavior was contributing to our life results. We learned to find the root of our driven programs that run our behaviors. We are in continuous growth with Richard every morning through The Morning Minute.We have met some amazing people through Richard’s events throughout all the years of being around Richard. We continue to build those relationships with them. When we first started coaching with Richard, he welcomed us with open arms. Richard is such a loving and caring soul and he is very real and honest. Through the experience, he showed his love and care for us. Thank you Richard for all that you have done for us."

Lauren Fisher

"Do you need a no nonsense, no excuses coach who has compassion, experience and wisdom. Richard Flint has an uncanny ability to understand the behaviors and thinking habits that unconsciously keep us from reaching our dreams and offers guidance and tough love that creates growth. He helped my husband and me get “unstuck” in creating a new business and taught life lessons we use every day. He was worth every penny of the investment."

Dick Woodhull

"As my personal coach Richard guided me to a new clarity about my past which led to a new vision about my future. It wasn’t easy as we dug through some painful history that I was still basing my life and decisions on. Richard didn’t give up on me and made me find my own answers during the process. To say that all this allowed me to shed tons of emotional pain and guilt would be an understatement. My life has become much more enjoyable, more balanced and with a much clearer purpose and a true passion which continues to grow."

Barbara Raines

"I am so grateful for the influence Richard is in my life. I met him when I was in a very dark place. He helped me work through the issues and helped me to face “WHAT IS." It was a lot of hard work but with his help he gave me insight on what I should do. I don’t know where I would be today if it was not for Richard speaking into my life. I believe it helped safe my life! I can’t thank him enough. Today I am very happy and so glad I listened to his voice and acted. Thank you so much Richard. I love and appreciate you!"

Kellie Shoemaker

"I first met Richard shortly after graduating high school. My parents hired Richard as a mentor and it changed our family dynamic. Richard continued to help me through college and is now guiding me through my marriage. I am forever grateful for all he has done, and I know I am who I am because of him. His wisdom and heart have helped so many, and I hope that I can make even a fraction of the impact he has made on the world."

Fred Sorrento

"The main thing that you taught me was to slow down the pace and to really take the time to stop and break down problems into very small pieces and come up with solutions collectively as a team. I understand that a United clan will often times defeat a divided army and it’s imperative to surround yourself with people who respect you and also share a common purpose, agenda, and commitment. In the past I had a bad habit of keeping spectators around who I thought were needed but now I’ve come to realize they were merely cluttering our path to success. You taught me to not be afraid to delegate responsibility and then to hold people accountable for following through. I’m not afraid of confrontation and I understand the importance of two way communication. There’s a need to lay things out on the table as uncomfortable as they may seem to be. I oftentimes find myself explaining to some employees “this is what my ears (aka YOU) are telling me but it does not align with what my eyeballs are telling me... can you help explain this to me...?” I understand that people want to feel like they belong and that they matter and if you can align your internal customers goals and dreams with your own then anything is possible.

In short what’s rather interesting is the fact that although we’re at a reduced staffing overall we are effectively getting a lot of work done with virtually no complaints. The people on my team are well paid and they work hard and don’t complain and they don’t get call backs. The few spectators hanging around must not have felt like they belonged and they left. The amount of fires we put out now compared to before is dramatically lower. It’s arguably quiet on the problem front.

On a side note I was wrapped up doing a welding job in Boston today and someone I would rather not name coincidentally stopped into the office to say hello! You taught me that people enter your life for a reason and often exit your life for a reason also. It’s probably not worth wasting energy wondering why and it’s more constructive just moving forward and focusing on the most important battles. The business climate is not good but we’re still holding our own and it’s really benefited us becoming more diversified into air duct cleaning and welding repairs and grease and HVAC duct installs."